Ways to Support BBRP
Thank you to our sponsors! - click here for our full sponsorship list
Banjo Brokerage
The BBRP is an agency that connects the supply and demand of banjos while focusing on the Black community to facilitate access cultural heritage via traditional, manufactured & hand-crafted instruments. The Black Banjo Reclamation Project is accepting banjo contributions so that we may provide instruments to Black folks at reduced rates, and in many cases, free of charge as part of our banjo repair training and scholarship programs. We encourage donations of working banjos and parts, identify Black craftspeople and luthiers in our community to support the trainees, contribute banjos to individuals and also sell donated and repaired banjos to further support the work of the BBRP.
Since 2018, we have donated nearly 60 instruments to Black community members across the country. It has been an honor to supply our folks with the necessary tools to pay homage to their work as artists and the ancestral pathways of the banjo. We are systematizing the way we support the flow of banjos from donors to receivers in a way that sustains our work as educators, crafts people, healing artists and supports the next generation of community members to work with these traditions. Donations alone do not sustain the BBRP. It is, above all, the collaborative vision we encourage and support of community engagement through our work. There are many costs associated with shipping, storage, administration, repair, cases and parts. We provide connection through this work and do so in a way that utilizes donation based mutual giving to our organization as well as sliding scale rates & our banjo granting program. Our core goal is to expand our programs in a financially sustainable way in our outreach to grow our resources and our village.

Creating Ancestral Healing Through Banjo Reclamation
Here are some ways you can get involved
Be a Sustaining Patron
When you choose to pledge on Patreon for BBRP, your funds directly support our work through positive actions:
Acquire, build, repair and maintain banjos for BBRP and the black community
Provide lessons for banjo players of all abilities
Host monthly community dinners and Banjo gatherings
Support for the BBRP's team to organize and promote Band Camps, Banjo Builds and more
Produce an upcoming series of online Banjo lessons, course materials and black centered resources